CEO Member: Tanner Sitze
We have asked Tanner a series of questions about CEO. The first question we asked was "What made you want to join CEO?"; he responded with " What made me want to join CEO was all the new and interesting things that I will/am learning in the class. the previous members had a good time in the class so that made me want to take on the class too." Question number two was "What do you want to get out of being in CEO?"; he answered it with "What I want to get out of CEO is all the connection you make from the businesses you meet with and all the guest speakers. I've already made a lot of connections for the future." Question number three was "How are you going to persevere when your project meets a rough spot?"; Tanner replied with “When I get into a rough spot in my project I will either go talk to the other members of CEO and try to get some advice. I can also always talk to my mentor if I need to. " "What is one thing you want to work on personally?" was the fourth question he answered with "What I want to work on personally is communicating with my CEO members more and us my time better on projects outside of class." The fifth question was "How do you think the CEO is going to help you with your future goals?" Tanner said, " I think CEO is going to allow me to start my own business at some point after high school or even straight out of high school depending on how successful I am with my own business.” "What type of opportunities are you want CEO to provide for you?" he replied " The opportunities that CEO will provide me is the connections that I will have after I am done with the class. " And the final question that I asked Tanner was "Do you believe that the things you will learn in this class you will be able to take on and use in the future? Why?" he said that he "I believe it will go on after high school just because it is the path that I want to continue after high school. I want to start my own business at some point in my life. so yes, it will help me in the future." As you can see Tanner is excited about all the things CEO is going to provide and learn in CEO.